Enough Cubes Already
Let's change it up from simple boxes. Here's a simple tree model:
import { escad } from "https://escad.dev/core/mod.ts"
import "https://escad.dev/3d/register.ts"
export default () => {
// By putting these constants in variables, we can easily reuse them.
// Later, if we want to tweak the model, we only have to update it one place.
const trunkRadius = 2
const trunkHeight = 16
const leavesRadius = 6
const leavesStretchFactor = 1.5
// Here, we save parts of the model in variables, to make it clearer what's happening.
const trunk = escad
.cylinder({ radius: trunkRadius, height: trunkHeight })
.shiftZ(1) // we use `trunkHeight` here ^
const leaves = escad
.sphere({ radius: leavesRadius })
// and also here ^
// `union` (from the `3d` library) adds two meshes together.
// You could also write it as `trunk.add(leaves)`, but this is a little clearer.
return escad.union(trunk, leaves)