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Right now, our model doesn't have any labels, so if you open up the 'Hierarchy' panel, you won't see anything. Let's fix that!

import { escad } from ""
import ""

export default () => {
const trunkRadius = 2
const trunkHeight = 16
const leavesRadius = 6
const leavesStretchFactor = 1.5

const trunk = escad
.cylinder({ radius: trunkRadius, height: trunkHeight })

const leaves = escad
.sphere({ radius: leavesRadius })

// Before, we had `return escad.union(trunk, leaves)`.
// We can label these elements by wrapping them in an object.
return escad.union({ trunk, leaves })

Try looking at the hierarchy now. You should see an object { trunk, leaves }. Click the arrow on the left to expand it. Now, click on leaves, then trunk. As you click on the labels, it will show you the corresponding parts of the model.

With trunk selected, change trunkHeight = 16 to trunkHeight = 20. When it updates, you should see a taller trunk (but still no leaves). If you click on the top line ({), you'll see the whole tree.

Now, change from the 'Outline' view to the 'Detailed' view with the dropdown at the top. In 'Detailed' view, you can see each operation applied to make the model.

Expand leaves. You should see two operations, tZ(16) (short for translateZ) and sZ(1.5) (short for scaleZ), applied to a sphere. Click on sphere (you'll see it at the origin), then sZ (now it's stretched), then tZ (it's raised up).

For complex models, the hierarchy is a powerful tool to examine how the model is constructed.